
Have fun, raise money and help make a real difference in our community! Here are some ideas to get you started:

Get Active

Swim, run, walk or crawl? Why not join a marathon, fitness challenge or sponsored walk?

Dollar for a Dollar

Set up a gold coin donation at work and ask your employer to match every dollar.

Celebrating Soon?

Ask your friends and family to donate to 2Connect Youth & Community – instead give the gift of giving. 

Hold a Bake Off

Have fun in the kitchen and sell your treats at school or work.

Host an Event

Hold an event whether it’s a BBQ, dinner party or bowling or everything in between.

If you want to plan any of the above or have another great idea and need help with tips and advice, please get in touch. 


At 2Connect Youth & Community, we offer a range of holistic complimentary services relating to alcohol and other drugs, finding employment, support individuals who are at risk or are homeless, help youth reconnect with their family or school and run successful community development projects to address local specific needs and issues.