Do good and feel good! If you’ve ever thought about volunteering and playing a role in our community, check out our volunteering programs.

Become a Youth Leader

Young people have a voice and our aim is to amplify that voice through our Youth Leader initiatives where Youth Leaders run design, plan and delivery activities to their peers! We believe young people play a vital role in the community and can deeply connect with other young people in need. 

By becoming a Youth Leader, you will:

  • Gain leadership skills
  • Meet new, like-minded people
  • Get work experience
  • Free training
  • Work directly with young people, making a real difference
  • Get creative, share your ideas and see it come to life
  • Get a certificate
  • Snacks at meetings!

No experience required as all training will be provided – we just ask that you’re committed, passionate and enjoy working
in a team environment.

Youth Leadership recruitment his open! Contact us for youth leadership opportunities.

ReThink! Youth Anti-Violence Project

Domestic & Family Violence Innovation The ReThink! Domestic & Family Violence Peer Education Project aims to increase knowledge and understanding about Domestic & Family Violence (DFV), law, harmful effects, where to get help, healthy and respectful relationships, and social norms, ultimately influencing attitudes to bring about behavioural change. Young people aged 12-18 who are interested in becoming Peer Educators to reduce DFV and prevent future DFV amongst young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds in Georges River, Bayside and Sutherland. A new group has currently been recruited. Thank you to all applicants for your interest! Contact us for any other current leadership opportunities.

Disability Youth Engagement Service (YES)

We believe young people with disabilities should benefit from the same community activities as everyone! Disability YES (Youth Engagement Service) aims to improve how services, activities and programs support, and are accessed by young people with disabilities.

Young people aged 17-25 who are from culturally diverse backgrounds and are with or without a disability, take action and address social issues.

Youth Leaders Committee

The Youth Leaders Committee is a voluntary group of passionate young people who meet regularly to give advice to 2Connect Youth & Community about local youth services and issues affecting young people aged 12-25.

Youth Leaders:

  • Attend regular meetings and activities during the year
  • Give their opinion about 2Connect Youth & Community activities and projects, to help improve the services it runs
  • Advocate on important issues affecting youth
  • Workshop and training opportunities on leadership skills and other skills

If you’re interested, contact us at or dial (02) 9556 1769. 

Arncliffe Youth Space

Young people aged 14-18 volunteer their time to meet regularly to plan exciting, fun activities for other young people in the Arncliffe area, known as the Arncliffe Youth Space. What’s involved?
  • Brainstorm, develop and implement fun events and activities for youth
  • Raise awareness about issues affecting other young people in the community
  • Attendance at meetings where you’ll share ideas
We will be looking for youth volunteers for this soon. Check back here soon.

Youth Against Violence and Racism

Volunteers aged 17-24 from diverse backgrounds, who are interested in promoting social harmony to stop racism and racial violence, and promote social justice are involved in YAVaR—Youth Against Violence and Racism.

Through this program, together, we raise awareness of cultural diversity and challenge racism & violence against other young people. 

What’s involved?

  • Creating media campaigns and resources raising awareness about racism & how to stop it
  • Educational workshops in schools focusing on social harmony and anti-racism strategies
  • Delivering key anti-racism messages at school assemblies and on school premises
  • Holding event stalls during key events such as Harmony Day and Youth Week delivering key anti-racism messages, distributing resources and encouraging students to make personal pledges against racism
  • Participate at meetings in a team environment

Peer to Peer Educators - 'Keep it Safe' (KIS)

The Keep It Safe (KIS) project focuses on both alcohol and other drugs and mental health to educate young people aged 15-24 about these topics, promote safety and where to get support. What’s involved?

  • Outreach in places young people congregate in the St George & Sutherland region
  • Raise awareness about alcohol and other drugs and mental health well-being
  • Complete training where you’ll gain the knowledge and skills
  • Attendance at meetings where you’ll share ideas


At 2Connect Youth & Community, we offer a range of holistic complimentary services relating to alcohol and other drugs, finding employment, support individuals who are at risk or are homeless, help youth reconnect with their family or school and run successful community development projects to address local specific needs and issues.