Community Development Projects

Community Development Projects

2Connect Youth & Community runs a range of projects in the community, including educational projects, advocacy work and facilitating training, based on local specific issues and needs.

20240619 CronullaYouthSpace - Website Info

Cronulla Youth Space

Cronulla Youth Space is a safe space to hang out with your friends. 

Are you 12-18 years of age? Join us for FREE food and activities.

For more information, contact Paul at or dial (02) 9556 1769

Call out for Social Justice Youth Leaders!

Are you aged 17-24 years and live, work or study in the Georges River, Bayside, or Sutherland areas?

Volunteer as a Social Justice Youth Leader! Create a better world with the social change you want to see! Gain leadership and employment skills.

Learn more by calling 02 95561769 or email Andrea to apply:

St George Community Drug Action Team (CDAT)
St George Local Drug Action Team (LDAT)

The St George Community Drug Action Team (CDAT) and the St George Local Drug Action Team (LDAT) are made up of passionate and dedicated volunteers who want the best for their community and run a range of activities to engage youth, parents and the wider community about the use and misuse of alcohol and other drugs and their harms. 2Connect Youth & Community chairs and coordinates the CDAT and the LDAT and ensures effective collaboration and successful approaches to community education and prevention in the community. Take a look at the translated posters which CDAT produced for local communities- Information & support on Drug & Alcohol in 3 languages: These posters were produced in partnership with Australian Macedonian Welfare & Wellbeing NSW and Advance Diversity Services, and were funded by Alcohol and Drug Foundation.

To get connected with CDAT or LDAT and get regular updates:

ReThink! - Domestic & Family Violence Peer Education Project

ReThink! – Domestic & Family Violence Peer Education Project- aims to increase knowledge and understanding amongst young people from culturally and lingistically diverse communities, about Domestic & Family Violence (DFV), law, harmful effects, where to get help, healthy and respectful relationships, and social norms, ultimately influencing attitudes to bring about behavioural change.

Young people aged 12-18 are Peer Educators in the project and are involved in planning, designing and implementing the ideas and strategies to reduce DFV in Georges River, Bayside and Sutherland.

What have the peer educators been up to?

  • Participated in Peer Educator training
  • Brainstormed and developed innovative strategies of addressing DFV
  • Taking action to address the lack of knowledge and understanding about DFV
  • Educating their peers about respectful relationships, raise awareness and influence attitudes around DFV
  • Create and hold interactive workshops and events

For more information, contact us at or dial (02) 9556 1769

Driver Safety- Uturn the Wheel

In partnership with Rotary, 2Connect Youth & Community delivers ‘U-Turn the Wheel’ project which aims to educate students about the consequences of driving whilst under the influence of alcohol and other drugs.

The educational workshop is delivered to Year 11 students across 30 local high schools and majority of the feedback being positive amongst students and teachers! 

If your school is interested in a ‘U-Turn the Wheel’ educational workshop, contact Paul at or dial (02) 9556 1769.

Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network

2Connect Youth & Community is a founding member and active in both the Multicultural Youth Affairs Network (MYAN) NSW and Multicultural Advocacy Network Australia.

MYAN NSW is the first state-wide multicultural youth specialist organisation that engages, connects and builds capacity of the youth settlement and multicultural sectors to effectively meet the needs of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds.

MYAN Australia is the national peak body on multicultural youth issues and Australia’s only national voice representing the needs and interests of young people from refugee and migrant backgrounds. It has a network of representatives in each of Australia’s states and territories to facilitate a national approach to youth settlement.

2Connect has been active on the committees which operate these organisations, along with other key players across the country. In this way, our experience with local issues for migrant and refugee young people are brought to the table both at at State and National level.


We believe when young people are given high quality support and knowledge, they can be empowered to make positive changes and build a positive future.