Cultural Harmony

Cultural Harmony

Diversity is a reason to celebrate, however many individuals can find barriers or discrimination against them due to their identity. We value all diversity, from cultural diversity to sexuality/gender diversity and diversity in abilities. We believe that with positive empowerment, skills and knowledge young people can live harmoniously together and value each other.

Peer Educators - Youth Against Violence and Racism

Taking a youth leadership this project aims to promote social harmony, stop racism and racial violence and promote social justice in schools and in the community through peer to peer education. Our Youth Leaders (Peer Educators) implement the following activities:
  • Creating educational campaigns & resources to raise awareness about racism and how to stop it
  • Educational workshops in schools focusing on social harmony and anti-racism strategies
  • Delivering key anti-racism messages at school assemblies and on school premises
  • Holding event stalls during key events such as Harmony Day and Youth Week delivering key anti-racism messages, distributing resources and encouraging students to make personal pledges against racism
We currently (June 2020) have places available for volunteers aged 18-24 who live, work or study in Bayside, Georges River & Sutherland to join the Youth Leaders Team. PM Lily through our fb page here for more information


We believe when young people are given high quality support and knowledge, they can be empowered to make positive changes and build a positive future.