Preventing Homelessness
Across the St George and Sutherland area, there are community members who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and need support with stabilising their housing situation. Not only is risk of homelessness due to lack of affordable housing in the area, but things such as domestic violence, mental health issues and/or other personal factors, can lead to homelessness or put someone at risk. We believe that with the right support at the right time, can lead to stabilising housing for people.
Helping Hand
Helping Hand provides complementary support including brokerage to people aged 16 years and over in St George and Sutherland Shire who are at risk of becoming homeless, or are homeless.
To refer a client, please fill out the form below but first tick off the below Pre-Referral Checklist:
- If homeless, has the person contacted Links2Home? If not, contact 1800 152 152 (24hrs)
- Has the person sought assistance from FACS Housing to address their housing issue? If not, contact (02) 9375 8611
- Is the referring organisation prepared to complete an assessment and provide support to the person who is applying for assistance?
- Is the person at imminent risk of becoming homes or is currently homeless?
- Is the person aged 16 years and over?
- Does the person currently reside in St George or Sutherland Shire?
If you’ve ticked yes to the above Pre-Referral Checklist and would like to refer a Client, get in touch with Serena at brokerage@2connect.org.au or dial (02) 9556 1769.
St George & Sutherland Homeless Help Resource
If you’re in St George or Sutherland Shire, Helping Hand’s Homeless Help website can help you with the following:
- Accommodation
- Financial Assistance
- Food and Meal Provisions
- Local Support Services
More Community Services
We believe when young people are given high quality support and knowledge, they can be empowered to make positive changes and build a positive future.