

Diversity is a reason to celebrate, however many individuals can find barriers or discrimination against them due to their identity. We value all diversity, from cultural diversity to sexuality/gender diversity and diversity in abilities. We believe that with positive empowerment, skills and knowledge young people can live harmoniously together and value each other.

Cultural Diversity

2Connect Youth & Community is dedicated to accessing and supporting young people who are from Multicultural backgrounds, migrant and refugee backgrounds and Aboriginal young people.  We run various activities to meet the needs around cultural diversity, including:

  • Making sure that Aboriginal and Multicultural young people access all of our services easily and that they are strongly represented across all services and activities
  • Facilitating discussion groups specifically for young people from migrant and refugee backgrounds
  • Working collaboratively with the two Intensive English Centres in the region to deliver services to newly arrived young people, as well as with cultural specific groups
  • Delivering intensive job assistance to Aboriginal, newly arrived and migrant young people  
  • Running education and support groups for specific cultural groups, such as a Nepalese parenting group, Arabic young people’s groups and Drug Information projects in Nepalese, Chinese and Macedonian.
  • Being involved in linking young people from diverse backgrounds to what’s happening in NSW and Australia more broadly through our representation on the Multicultural Youth Affairs Network NSW and Multicultural Youth Advocacy Network Australia e.g. linking young people to youth leadership opportunities in NSW and Australia  

Glisten Youth Groups - for LGBTIQA+ Young People aged 12 to 18

Glisten is a project for same-sex attracted and gender diverse youth that aims to support young people under 18 through group support, individual support, delivering community education to address homophobia/transphobia and discrimination, and worker training.

Glisten LGBTIQA+ Youth Social Groups

We hold a regular social group for young people who identify with LGBTIQA+ identities plus their friends, partners and allies on the first Monday of every month.

Be yourself, connect with others and find support!

SAVE THE DATE: On the first Wednesday of every month

For any questions about the social group or to register, contact Andrea via phone on 02 9556 1769 or via email at youthworker@2connect.org.au.

GLISTEN Mardi Gras Party is here!

To register for GLISTEN youth social group, contact Andrea on youthworker@2connect.org.au  or phone (02) 9556 1769.

Pride Space Youth Groups - for LGBTIQA+ Young People aged 17 to 24

Pride Space is back on this coming Tuesday 25th!

Are you or someone you know aged 17 to 24 years and identify as LGBTIQA+?

YOU’RE INVITED to our Pride Space LGBTIQA+ youth social group!

We’ve partnered with the amazing headspace Miranda to bring Pride Space back this year – it’s a safe space for young people who identify as LGBTIQA+ and friends of any sexuality or gender to swing by, meet up, make new friends, and hang out!

Pride Space LGBTIQA+ Youth Social Groups

We hold a regular social group for young people who identify with LGBTIQA+ identities plus their friends, partners and allies on the last Tuesday of every month.

When? Happening on the last Tuesday of every month 4pm-6pm in 2025: Feb 25, March 25, April 29, May 27, June 24, July 29, August 26, September 30, October 28, November 25, Dec TBC. 

Where? headspace Miranda

Want to join?

SAVE THE NEXT DATE: 25th February 2025

Reach out to Amy if you have any questions, on 0431 658 457 or amy.lloyd1@stride.com.au

Man to Man

Man to Man is a group for young men from multicultural backgrounds, aimed at breaking down barriers and developing a positive partnership between young men (year 9 & 10) and police, and building personal life skills, through an interactive and intensive 5 week program. The workshop includes:

  • Leadership Skills
  • Life Skills and Training
  • Cultural identity  
  • Motivational Guest Speakers
  • Sports Activities

If you are a student or school and you would like to find out more, contact communityprojects@2connect.org.au or dial (02) 9556 1769.

Disability Youth Engagement Service (YES)

We believe young people with disabilities should benefit from the same community opportunities as everyone else! Disability YES (Youth Engagement Service) aims to improve the lives of young people wiht disabilities.  Young people aged 16-25 who are from culturally diverse backgrounds and are with or without a disability, have taken action for positive change and started up this social group! 

They have brainstormed, develop and implement better ways that services can access young people with disabilities. They have reviewed services and advised them. And they have started up a new youth social group for young people aged 17-25yrs- the YES Group.

For more info, contact Andrea on youthworker@2Connect.org.au

Youth Against Violence and Racism

Young people aged 18-24 from diverse cultural backgrounds promote social harmony to stop racism and racial violence, and promote social justice. Through this program, young people raise awareness of cultural diversity and challenge racism & violence against other young people. 

What’s involved?

  • Creating media campaigns and resources raising awareness about racism & how to stop it
  • Educational workshops in schools focusing on social harmony and anti-racism strategies
  • Delivering key anti-racism messages at school assemblies and on school premises
  • Holding event stalls during key events such as Harmony Day and Youth Week delivering key anti-racism messages, distributing resources and encouraging students to make personal pledges against racism
  • Participate at meetings where you’ll collaborate in a team environment

For more information, contact Andrea at youthworker@2connect.org.au or dial (02) 9556 1769


We believe in building stronger communities through high quality services, one that empowers people to make positive changes and build a positive future.