Youth & Family Support

Youth & Family Support

Some young people can be at risk of disconnecting from family, education and the community through personal difficulties, parent/family difficulties, family conflict, and school experiences.  

Reconnect, our longest and most well-established service’s primary aim is to keep young people connected with family, education, their community, and to ultimately prevent homelessness.

We deliver accessible and culturally appropriate support to young people and their families through case management (practical support and assistance), counselling, group support, outreach, and advocacy.

For Youth & Families

For young people aged 12-18 (parents, carer and/or family members) who live, work or study in the Bayside and Georges River Council areas of South East Sydney, you can contact our team to ask for one-to-one support or family meetings. We are flexible, can travel to meet you if needed and arrange meetings in a suitable way which works for you.

To learn more or to refer a young person, contact staff at or dial (02) 9556 1769.

Domestic and Family Violence Services

As part of our established youth & family services, we also have been assisting with the increased need for Domestic and Family Violence services for young people aged between 12-18 years old and their families in the Bayside & George’s River areas. For more information or to make a referral, you can contact us on or dial (02) 95561769.

Parent Teenagers Support Groups

For parents who want to discuss parenting teenagers in a supportive environment, you can get involved in support groups with other parents/carers of teenagers. The groups include talking about communication, conflict, respect, adolescent development and self-care.

This is a 5 week program and is run in small, intimate groups where you have the opportunity to talk with a qualified psychologist and our Youth Workers, as well as other parents/carers who have similar experiences. You will leave the group with:

  • Confidence
  • Links to support networks
  • Connections with fellow parents
  • Ability to reduce stress in times of challenge

The next group is being planned at the moment and we hope to have a date soon for the near future.

To register for an upcoming group, contact us at or dial (02) 9556 1769. 


We believe in building stronger communities through high quality services, one that empowers people to make positive changes and build a positive future.