Services Available for Young People, Families & Community Members During COVID-19

2Connect Youth & Community has existed for 30 years to provide holistic services to empower youth, families and communities in the South East Sydney region and surrounds. The health and well-being of our clients, staff, contractors and volunteers is at the forefront of everything we do.

With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are still operating but have made changes to how we deliver our youth and community services to ensure we can continue to provide support to those who need it most. Services are all free & easy to access, & anyone can make a referral.

Client support services are currently being provided mainly by phone and online. In exceptional circumstances, face-to-face support may be provided – ensuring COVID-19 risk assessments and health & safety measures.


YOUTH & FAMILY ISSUES OR CONFLICT –  We specialise in providing support & counselling to young people & parents/families. Our longest and most well-established service Reconnect has the primary aim to keep young people aged 12-18 connected with family, education, their community, and to ultimately prevent homelessness.  We encourage anyone experiencing any personal or family issues/conflict to contact us. Parents or other family members can also themselves reach out for parenting support. We are also supporting young people who have been experiencing racism or bullying.

MENTAL HEALTH & WELL-BEING: While schools remain open in the local area, young people are provided with tools to overcome mental health challenges through School Well-being services. We also provide one-to-one support & counselling for student’s mental health & wellbeing.

HOMELESSNESS & HOUSINGHelping Hand project assists people aged 16 & over who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless to stabilise their housing situations.    

ALCOHOL & OTHER DRUGS – Practical and emotional support (counselling) is provided for youth aged 10-25 who have issues with alcohol and other drugs, and their families through our Ready Project

EMPLOYMENT & EDUCATION – We link youth aged 15- 24 with apprenticeships, traineeships, work experience, employment or education through our Transition to Work Project. We have access to job vacancies in industries of growth during this time. Also young people are provided with staying engaged with education.  

FINANCIAL, FOOD & TECHNOLOGY NEEDS: Check our website resource for local food and financial support. We can also potentially assist young people directly for financial & technology needs (where a young person is obtaining support through the above services).


All our face-to-face educational group work has been postponed and we’ll announce as soon it is safe to get them up and running. In the meantime, some of our community development initiatives have been redesigned and are being delivered either online or by phone. This includes:

ReThink! Domestic & Family Violence education project is continuing its peer education online.
The Disability YES Project youth action council members are meeting online through video calls. 
Glisten Project members are being provided phone support.
Anti-racism awareness project and health peer education is being provided online.
Community Drug Action Team is operating online.

If you have any questions or queries relating to our services, please feel free to contact us at 9556 1769, or our website.


or how to cope with stress information for young people, check out:
– Headspace for young people
– BeyondBlue for all ages
– Reachout resources for youth – 10 Ways to look after yourself during Coronavirus 

As the Coronavirus situation continues to progress, we will update you on any changes to our youth and community services.