Life can throw every one of us curve balls. It is human, and completely normal at different points in time to feel this stress manifest in different aspects of our wellbeing; whether that be in our nervous system, emotions, lifestyle coping patterns, and the way that we show up in our relationships and other external […]
Parenting tips: How to Talk to your Teenager about Alcohol and Other Drugs
As a parent, you may be uncertain about how to protect your child from the harms of alcohol and other drugs. Parenting a teenager is challenging no doubt and it can be hard to know when and how to communicate about substances, and to make decisions about rules and consequences. By talking with your teenager, […]
Looking After You In 2021
#hope #mentalhealthandwellbeing #buildingresilience #youdoyou #fillingupyourcup As we reflect on 2020, there’s no denying that the Coronavirus global pandemic has had a massive impact on the lives of Australians. We know that people here and across the globe showed up in tough times and proved how resilient they could be. While we’re starting to bounce back […]
6 Tips to Help your Teenager in their First Year of High School
The transition from primary to high school is a big life event and can bring feelings of excitement as well as nervousness for your child, as emotional, social, and physiological changes occur. The transition phase is not just the move from year 6 to 7; and can last weeks, months or even years as physical, […]
How Parents Can Support their Teenager During the HSC
With over 75,000 year 12 students preparing to sit their Higher School Certificate (HSC) exams in NSW, there are approximately 140,000 parents and carers standing in the sidelines doing their best to support their teenager during this time. How can you support your teenager during this challenging time? There is no doubt that year 12 […]
Handy Tips for Parenting Teenagers in Challenging Times
Young people are existing and learning to thrive in an ever changing world. The Global Pandemic has presented many challenges and caused various disruptions which have directly impacted the lives and routines of young people. Some of those challenges are lock down and restricted social gatherings, Isolation from friends & family, fast changes in school, […]
8 Handy Tips for Being Back at School
It might be challenging to be back at school full time again during these Coronavirus times. It is another change in routine after staying home during lock down, and it might be hard to be back in the classroom and potentially catching up on school work, on top of any health questions you may have. […]
Building Hope & Resilience during Coronavirus
In this time of change, it’s important to have Hope and draw on our Resilience (our strength). If you have been stressed at times during these coronavirus days, this is totally normal. This is an unusual and very difficult time, with our regular life challenges potentially increased by the coronavirus impacts. The world and how […]
Services Available for Young People, Families & Community Members During COVID-19
2Connect Youth & Community has existed for 30 years to provide holistic services to empower youth, families and communities in the South East Sydney region and surrounds. The health and well-being of our clients, staff, contractors and volunteers is at the forefront of everything we do. With the outbreak of COVID-19, we are still operating but […]
Great Ideas to Keep Young People Connected & Entertained at Home
Staying home & physical distancing are the best way to keep yourself and others safe from COVID-19. We understand that home-isolation can potentially lead to boredom so we’ve compiled a starting list of activities for young people to keep entertained & connected during this time. CONNECT WITH FRIENDS & FAMILY Even though physical distancing is […]